AS A family

Thierry and Marie

In 1991, Marie and Thierry fell in love with the Domaine des Roches Neuves.

Thierry had already spent his entire life in the wine world. Originally from Bordeaux, he is in the sixth generation of winemakers in his family.

Marie and Thierry’s journey is filled with memorable encounters with wine personalities who inspired them and led them to build their own viticulture vision and wine style.

Their philosophy very clearly focuses on the living, which inspires them to create inseparable ties with the grapevine, its soil, and even animals.


Louis, the eldest son, has accumulated a wide range of experience in the wine business.

He started by working in marketing for prestigious Champagne producers in France’s Bordeaux and Loire regions.

His desire to get closer to the land motivated him to continue his studies in viticulture and oenology, before heading off to New Zealand to work at an organic biodynamic estate.

He joined Domaine des Roches Neuves with his companion Agathe in 2020.


Inheriting the family passion for horses, Jeanne has – since 2018 – held the reins for Ben and Comptesse, working the vineyard’s 4 hectares with animal traction tools.

Jeanne took her first steps as a winemaker in 2019 with her La Foulée vintage. Other vintages followed.

> Visit Jeanne’s website

A complete team alongside the family

tour des Germain s’est constitué une équipe de 11 personnes. Pas tous issus du sérail du vin, ces femmes et ces hommes aux profils d’une grande diversité partagent la même implication et la même passion au moment de faire le geste vigneron : pratiquer une biodynamie instinctive et rigoureuse.

> The winery’s philosophy

> Our wines